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ERGO's self-service, sales programs, and sales offices will be temporarily closed on the following dates:

March 7 from 20:00 until March 9 at 18:00.

Construction insurance

During construction work, a number of unexpected situations may occur. Whether it involves a fire, breaking into the portable cabin of a construction site, stealing tools, storm damage, accidents involving construction machinery, or something else. All these risks can be mitigated with construction insurance. We offer all-risk insurance for this purpose.

Construction insurance ensures security

In order to ensure a smooth construction process, it is worth insuring construction work with all-risk insurance. This gives peace of mind to both the client and the contractor.

All-risk insurance

All-risk insurance cover means that all unforeseen events and reasons that are not excluded by the insurance terms and conditions and/or the insurance contract are insured and indemnified.

Indemnification of additional expenses

Additional expenses related to the elimination of the consequences of the insured event (overtime costs, cleaning and demolition costs, express cargo, etc.) will be indemnified.

Liability damage

Liability damage (personal injury and property damage) caused to a third party during the insured construction works will be indemnified.

Construction equipment insurance

The insurance cover can be extended to construction machinery and equipment (tools, portable cabins, scaffolding, etc.) used in construction work (including rented).

Design errors

Indemnification for damage caused by a design error is carried out by agreement.

Maintenance period

Maintenance period insurance cover.

All-risk insurance

All-risk insurance cover means that all unforeseen events and reasons that are not excluded by the insurance terms and conditions and/or the insurance contract are insured and indemnified.

Indemnification of additional expenses

Additional expenses related to the elimination of the consequences of the insured event (overtime costs, cleaning and demolition costs, express cargo, etc.) will be indemnified.

Liability damage

Liability damage (personal injury and property damage) caused to a third party during the insured construction works will be indemnified.

Construction equipment insurance

The insurance cover can be extended to construction machinery and equipment (tools, portable cabins, scaffolding, etc.) used in construction work (including rented).

Design errors

Indemnification for damage caused by a design error is carried out by agreement.

Maintenance period

Maintenance period insurance cover.

What is covered by ERGO insurance?

We offer property damage and liability damage insurance cover with all-risk construction insurance during the construction of a building or the performance of construction work. Liability damage insurance cover is offered together with property damage insurance cover. It is difficult to come up with separate covers with all-risk insurance, so we will highlight the examples that occur most often or are often asked about.

Fire and lightning

Fire or direct hit by a lightning strike

What is covered by ERGO insurance?

We offer property damage and liability damage insurance cover with all-risk construction insurance during the construction of a building or the performance of construction work. Liability damage insurance cover is offered together with property damage insurance cover. It is difficult to come up with separate covers with all-risk insurance, so we will highlight the examples that occur most often or are often asked about.

Fire or direct hit by a lightning strike

We will indemnify damage due to water or other liquids discharged from a broken internal water network or sewerage system of a building or parts thereof, as well as any related leakage damage. This also applies to damage caused by liquids leaked from the heating, cooling and/or fire-fighting system or parts thereof.

Damage caused by a tree or other object that fell on the insurance object due to a storm, natural flooding, storm damage.

We will indemnify damage related to burglary, robbery, and vandalism.

We will indemnify expenses that may be related to a collision of a construction machine with a moving or stationary object, running into an obstacle, overturning, falling an object on the machine or falling into a ditch or trench, as well as the driver’s negligence in using the machine.

Good to know / FAQ

The insurance cover of a construction insurance contract begins on the day of the start of the insurance period specified in the insurance contract, which may be either the date of commencement of the insured construction work, the date of arrival at the construction site of building materials, machinery, and portable cabins, or the date of commencement of the preparatory work on the construction site (e.g., fencing installation, deforestation work, soil preparation work, etc.). The construction period ends on the day when the client accepts the insured works, but not later than the date specified in the insurance contract. It is possible to extend the insurance period for the period of validity of the maintenance period following the construction period.

Liability insurance as part of construction insurance is an optional cover and applies only if the policyholder so wishes. If it has been agreed to apply the insurance cover for the maintenance period, the liability insurance cover also extends to the maintenance period. Alternatively, the policyholder can always conclude a separate liability insurance contract.

The policyholder may be a construction contractor who has the relevant construction competence to carry out the insured construction work. In the case of construction subject to building permit requirements and certain special works, we require the builder to have a valid register of economic activities and/or a notice of economic activity in the respective field of activity (e.g., construction, gas works, electrical works, etc.). The policyholder may also be a client who is a private or legal person.

Terms and conditions and information documents

ERGO ehituskindlustuse tingimused KT.0933.17

Effective as of 18.12.2017

Ehituskindlustuse teabedokument TD.3301.2018.4.26


Ehituse koguriskikindlustuse tingimused KT.0493.09

Valid for contracts issued until 18.12.2017

Ehituse koguriskikindlustuse eritingimused KT.0494.09

Valid for contracts issued until 18.12.2017

Ohutusnõuded ehitiste ehitamisel ja ehitustööde tegemisel KT.0495.09

Valid for contracts issued until 18.12.2017

Ehitustööde aastamahu kindlustamise eritingimused KT.0496.09

Valid for contracts issued until 18.12.2017

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