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Due to development work

ERGO's self-service, sales programs, and sales offices will be temporarily closed on the following dates:

March 7 from 20:00 until March 9 at 18:00.

Employer’s liability insurance

With the employer’s liability insurance, you protect yourself from unexpected expenses related to an occupational injury that occurred with an employee during the insurance period.

Employer’s liability insurance

If an employee suffers an occupational injury, ERGO employer’s liability insurance will help to cope with the claim for damages. In the event of an insured event, employer’s liability insurance covers the claims for property damage agreed in the terms and conditions, as well as legal assistance and judicial expenses related to the insured event and agreed in advance with ERGO.  

Mitigating the risks related to the employer’s liability with insurance should be considered by all companies for whom the well-being of employees is important.

Wide insurance cover

ERGO employer’s liability insurance provides broad insurance cover for mitigating damage that may arise from an occupational injury.

Client-based solutions

When concluding ERGO employer’s liability insurance contracts, we proceed from the specific client, the risks related to their activities, and the need to mitigate such risks.

Competent team

ERGO has a risk management, sales, and claims handling management team with long-term and international experience.

Wide insurance cover

ERGO employer’s liability insurance provides broad insurance cover for mitigating damage that may arise from an occupational injury.

Client-based solutions

When concluding ERGO employer’s liability insurance contracts, we proceed from the specific client, the risks related to their activities, and the need to mitigate such risks.

Competent team

ERGO has a risk management, sales, and claims handling management team with long-term and international experience.

What is covered under ERGO employer’s liability insurance?

In the event of an insured event, personal injury related to the occupational injury is indemnified. Check out the additional covers. This is a list of main types of employer’s liability insurance covers, including a list of the types of property damage that ERGO generally indemnifies under employer’s liability insurance.

Damage related to an occupational injury

The basis for defining employer’s liability insurance is the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Indemnity will be paid for damage caused to an employee as a result of an occupational injury or, in the event of the death of an employee, to their dependant(s) and specified in the terms and conditions of insurance.

What is covered under ERGO employer’s liability insurance?

In the event of an insured event, personal injury related to the occupational injury is indemnified. Check out the additional covers. This is a list of main types of employer’s liability insurance covers, including a list of the types of property damage that ERGO generally indemnifies under employer’s liability insurance.

The basis for defining employer’s liability insurance is the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Indemnity will be paid for damage caused to an employee as a result of an occupational injury or, in the event of the death of an employee, to their dependant(s) and specified in the terms and conditions of insurance.

ERGO will indemnify legal assistance and judicial expenses related to the insured event and agreed in advance with ERGO.

Examples of insured events of employer’s liability insurance

To better understand employer’s liability insurance, here are some examples of insured events that have occurred.


An accident happens to an employee of the sawmill during work: their left hand remains in front of the saw, and the employee loses it. An occupational injury accompanied by personal injury has occurred.

Examples of insured events of employer’s liability insurance

To better understand employer’s liability insurance, here are some examples of insured events that have occurred.

An accident happens to an employee of the sawmill during work: their left hand remains in front of the saw, and the employee loses it. An occupational injury accompanied by personal injury has occurred.

A warehouse worker places boxes on a shelf in the warehouse. Another employee does not notice them and hits them with a forklift. An occupational injury has occurred.

The wall of the building being renovated falls on a builder. The employee dies as a result. A fatal occupational injury has occurred, where the employer has to indemnify the funeral expenses to the victim’s family and, since the employee has a small child, the child’s maintenance costs.

The cook falls in the kitchen with a large pot of boiling soup. They break their arm and suffer severe burns. An occupational injury has occurred.

Terms and conditions and information documents

Tööandja vastutuskindlustuse teabedokument TD.4131.2018.4.25

Conditions of ERGO corporate insurance KT.0958.20

Effective as of 14.07.2020

Tööõnnetuse ja kutsehaiguse vastutuskindlustuse tingimused KT.0644.10

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