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Apartment association liability insurance

Apartment association liability insurance helps to mitigate the risks related to the property co-owned by apartment owners as well as the risks caused by the liability related to the management of co-ownership.

Apartment association liability insurance covers the need for insurance both in terms of property and liability

The property insurance of the apartment association can be used to insure the parts of the building that are co-owned by the apartment owners, e.g., the load-bearing structures of the building, the foundation, the external walls, the roof, the common areas and communication and technical systems, as well as the structures belonging to the building. 

The liability insurance of the apartment association can be used to insure personal and property damage to third parties caused by the management of the building co-owned by the apartment owners and the territory belonging to it.

Specific risk mitigation

It is possible to cover the insurance needs of the apartment association in combination for both property insurance and liability insurance.

We also protect structures

In addition to the co-owned parts of the building, the structures located on the territory (e.g., waste disposal area, playground, barrier, etc.) and damage to third parties caused by the possession of both buildings and the territory are also covered.

Extension for members of the association

It is also possible to extend the liability insurance cover to damage caused to the members of the apartment association.

All-risk insurance

Wide scope of property insurance cover – it is possible to choose all-risk insurance cover, which, in addition to the usual insurance covers (fire, plumbing leak, storm, flood, burglary, vandalism, equipment/electrical failure, etc.), includes all unexpected and unforeseen events that are not excluded by the insurance terms and conditions.


Professional apartment association consultation by an ERGO specialist for concluding the most suitable insurance contract.

Claims handling

Fast and flexible claims handling.

Specific risk mitigation

It is possible to cover the insurance needs of the apartment association in combination for both property insurance and liability insurance.

We also protect structures

In addition to the co-owned parts of the building, the structures located on the territory (e.g., waste disposal area, playground, barrier, etc.) and damage to third parties caused by the possession of both buildings and the territory are also covered.

Extension for members of the association

It is also possible to extend the liability insurance cover to damage caused to the members of the apartment association.

All-risk insurance

Wide scope of property insurance cover – it is possible to choose all-risk insurance cover, which, in addition to the usual insurance covers (fire, plumbing leak, storm, flood, burglary, vandalism, equipment/electrical failure, etc.), includes all unexpected and unforeseen events that are not excluded by the insurance terms and conditions.


Professional apartment association consultation by an ERGO specialist for concluding the most suitable insurance contract.

Claims handling

Fast and flexible claims handling.

Good to know / FAQ

In the case of apartment association liability insurance, the policyholder is usually the apartment association itself. This means that the insurance contract is concluded by the management board of the apartment association, which acts on behalf of all apartment owners. In certain cases, in the case of an apartment association, the policyholder may also be the management company, but only if the management company has received a corresponding authorisation from the apartment association.

Apartment association liability insurance can cover damage caused by a property insurance event to parts of the building that are co-owned by the apartment owners and to the structures belonging to the building. The liability insurance of the apartment association covers personal and property damage to third parties caused by the management of the building co-owned by the apartment owners and the territory belonging to it.

Terms and conditions and information documents

Conditions of property insurance of apartment association KT.0907.13

Terms and conditions of property Insurance risks of apartment association KT.0908.13

Special conditions of liability insurance KT.0906.13

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