Due to development work
ERGO's self-service, sales programs, and sales offices will be temporarily closed on the following dates:
March 7 from 20:00 until March 9 at 18:00.
ERGO in Estonia looks to contribute to making society a safer and more caring place and to the development of key players in eminent fields. In order to do this, we ...
- carry out our insurance operations in such a way that increases the sense of security for the company and for each individual
- support the promotion of Estonian life through sponsorship
The key words in all of ERGO’s activities are results and professionalism, and as such we prefer to aim our sponsorship projects at those who ...
- stand out in their chosen field and take it further
- carefully and consistently plan and act in order to achieve the results they desire
- speak to a wide audience
- have a significant and lasting influence in turning the living environment into a safer, more valuable and caring place
- promote the success of their region
ERGO sees it as vital to support the promotion of good health, safety and security within society, sports and culture. Please contact marketing departement turundus@ergo.ee for further questions and sponsorship proposals.