Home insurance claim
Home insurance claim
Report a home insurance claim
To quickly report a home insurance claim, please fill out a claim online.

Conduct in the case of a loss event
- Do everything you can to prevent the loss from escalating.
- Report the incident to a competent authority (the police, fire department, etc.).
- If possible, take pictures of the damage.
- Report the incident to ERGO as soon as possible.
- Submit a written claim to the insurance company, forming the basis for handling and indemnifying the damage.
- The ERGO Maksi home insurance plan is accompanied by free ERGO Home assistance, which provides 24/7 immediate assistance in the event of an accident involving your home. To receive free ERGO home assistance, please call 655 5401.
- Theft and vandalism must be reported to the police. If the incident has not yet been reported to the police, please do so on the website of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board. Report the incident to the police here.
ERGO 24/7 Home assistance
ERGO home assistance provides 24/7 immediate assistance in the event of an accident involving your home. All immediate assistance services listed below are free for the ERGO Maksi home insurance clients.
- If you have lost your house keys and cannot get inside, a locksmith will come to the rescue.
- If you have a broken pipe at home, a plumber will come to fix this and arrangements will be made for drying and cleaning your home.
- Drying and cleaning will also be arranged when your home is flooded with high water.
- If a vandal has broken a window, the opening of the broken window will be temporarily covered.
- If burglars have broken in, your home will be guarded until it can be securely locked. In addition, broken doorways or windows will be covered and new locks installed.
- If it is no longer possible to live at home after a fire, the home will be guarded until it can be securely locked.
- If a storm has damaged a building, the openings will be covered. If the home is left unoccupied, it will be guarded until it is securely locked.
- If, as a result of any of the abovementioned accidents, it is not possible to live at home, the family will be temporarily accommodated elsewhere.
- The home assistance service always gives advice and feedback, assesses the damage, and forwards the loss report to ERGO.
For assistance, please call the ERGO home assistance number 655 5401. Free assistance is given only when you call this particular number.