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Instructions for taking photos of the vehicle

Instructions for taking photos of the vehicle

Instructions for taking photos of the vehicle

he following requirements must be met when taking photos of the vehicle. Examples of photos required are provided in the guide.

General requirements

  • In the case of photos offering a diagonal view of the vehicle, the car must be fully visible in each photo.
  • Photo files must be in jpg format. The size of a single image may not be more than 10 MB or less than 300 KB.
  • The photos must be clear and precise.
  • The vehicle must be clean and the photos must be taken in daylight.
  • When there are damages to the chassis of parts thereof, equipment or glass, photos of the damages must be included.
  • The pictures cannot be taken earlier than three days before the conclusion of the agreement and they cannot be edited.

Taking photos of the vehicle

  • Diagonal views from all four corners of the vehicle. The vehicle must be fully visible from each side in the photos, and the vehicle registration plate must be visible in each diagonal photo.

Front left angle:

Front right angle:

Rear left angle:

Rear right angle:

  • Photo of the vehicle’s VIN-code, e.g. the vehicle identification number. When taking photos of the VIN code, the screen must be checked for glare to make sure that all the numbers are visible. The camera’s flash must be disabled.

An adequate photo of the VIN code on the chassis:

An adequate photo of the VIN code on the dashboard:

  • A photo taken of the vehicle interior so that the photo would show the dashboard and the front seats of the vehicle and a photo of the vehicle’s central console.

Photo taken from the driver's side door opening

Photo of the interior of the vehicle

  • If the vehicle has accessories like extra lights, bumpers, advertising or other stickers and sound, video or DVD devices, photos of those must also be included.

Please note!

ERGO Insurance SE does not compensate costs associated with photographing the vehicle or any other additional costs.


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